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The Justice Statement is the result of the dedication and effort of many people. The process of reform began with the initiative of the Attorney-General and the Minister for Justice in establishing the Access to Justice Advisory Committee in October 1993, chaired by Ronald Sackville QC. Over one hundred and thirty submissions were received in response to the Access to Justice Report. The effort of those in the community who took time to make submissions is appreciated. These contributions were invaluable in developing the initiatives and reforms announced in this Statement.

Of course, the development of this Statement would not have been possible without the commitment shown by such a large number of people in the offices of the Attorney-General and the Minister for Justice, as well as the dedicated and professional support of officers within the Attorney-General's Department. That support was evident throughout the process leading to the development of this Statement.

The significant contribution to the Justice Statement by Jon Stanhope from the Attorney-General's Office and Bill Bowtell, Kathy Ettershank and Simon Lake from the Office of the Minister for Justice is acknowledged with particular gratitude.

Special thanks are also due to the officers of the Access to Justice Unit in the Attorney-General's Department, headed by Renée Leon. Officers in that Unit included Angela Baker, Nan Levett, Mary Durkin, Catherine Hawkins, Elizabeth Jackson and Andres Lomp. Their high quality and professional work, often performed under extreme time pressures, is commended.

The hard work that has been undertaken will result in tangible benefits for the community.

(c) Commonwealth of Australia 1995

National Library of Australia

Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

The justice statement.

ISBN 0 642 20831 X

1. Equality before the law - Australia. 2. Justice, Administration of - Australia.

I. Australia. Attorney-General's Dept.


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Modification Date: Wednesday, 24 May 1995