Justice Statement Search

To use this search facility, it would be best to use a browser which supports forms. Without forms, you can still make a search.
What term would you like to search for?
(example of a Boolean search: 'good;bad' will find all lines containing both 'good' AND 'bad')

Allow partial match to a word
Case insensitive

Number of misspellings allowed:

Maximum number of files returned:

Maximum number of matches per file returned:

Press this button to submit the query:
To reset the form, press this button:

This is a form based interface to GlimpseHTTP WWW search engine.

For information about Glimpse and where to obtain a copy (for your personal file system or for your server) follow this link or mail glimpse@cs.arizona.edu

Comments and suggestions: geoff@austlii.law.uts.edu.au