• Specific Year

LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGULATION 2012 - REG 34 Estimated activity statement


Estimated activity statement

34 Estimated activity statement

(1) A local government’s budget must, for each business activity, contain an estimated activity statement.
(2) An
"estimated activity statement" is a document that states, for the business activity—
(a) the estimated revenue that is payable to—
(i) the local government; or
(ii) anyone else; and
(b) the estimated expenses, including all items taken into account under the pricing provisions (other than return on capital); and
(c) the estimated surplus or deficit for the financial year; and
(d) if community service obligations are to be carried out during the business activity—
(i) a description of the nature of the community service obligations; and
(ii) the estimated cost of performing the community service obligations, less the estimated revenue for the community service obligations.
(3) An estimated activity statement may contain a summary of the information mentioned in subsection (2) , instead of a full statement of the information, if—
(a) the estimated activity statement states it is a summary only and that a full statement of the information may be—
(i) inspected or purchased at the local government’s public office; and
(ii) inspected on the local government’s website; and
(b) a full statement of the information can be—
(i) inspected or purchased at the local government’s public office; and
(ii) inspected on the local government’s website.
(4) The price for purchasing a full statement of the information must be no more than the reasonable cost to the local government of making the statement available for purchase.