• Specific Year

DISABILITY SERVICES ACT 2006 - SECT 305 Current positive notice for new relevant disqualified person


Current positive notice for new relevant disqualified person

305 Current positive notice for new relevant disqualified person

(1) This section applies if—
(a) before the commencement a person held a positive notice; and
(b) immediately before the commencement the notice was current; and
(c) at the commencement the person is a new relevant disqualified person.
(2) At the commencement the amended Act applies and the chief executive must cancel the person’s positive notice and substitute a negative notice under section 85.
Under section 80, a person must return their cancelled positive notice and any positive notice card issued to the person to the chief executive.
(3) Also, if the positive notice is suspended under section 86 at the commencement, any application for the cancellation of the suspension under section 87 that has not been decided or withdrawn at the commencement is taken to have been withdrawn.
(4) The chief executive must give written notice about the withdrawal of the application under subsection (3) to the person and the funded non-government service provider who made the application.