• Specific Year

WHEAT MARKETING ACT 1989No. 58, 1989 - SECT 87 Payments to Wheat Research Trust Fund

WHEAT MARKETING ACT 1989No. 58, 1989 - SECT 87

Payments to Wheat Research Trust Fund
87. (1) In this section:

"Levy Act" means the Wheat Industry Fund Levy Act 1989;

"Research Act" means the Rural Industries Research Act 1985.

(2) At any time during a season when regulations are in force under section
39E of the Research Act in respect of the levy imposed by the Levy Act, the
research component of that levy, for the purposes of section 7 of the Research
Act, is so much of the levy as is represented by the percentage fixed by the
determination under subsection 85 (3) made in respect of that season.