• Specific Year

WEAPONS ACT 1990 - SECT 98B Membership of approved pistol clubs


Membership of approved pistol clubs

98B Membership of approved pistol clubs

(1) It is a condition of an approved pistol club’s shooting club permit that the club must not accept a person for membership of the club unless the person submits with the person’s application for membership—
(a) if the person is not a licensee, a current statement in the approved form signed by an authorised officer that the person is a fit and proper person to hold a licence; and
(b) 2 character references from persons the person has known for at least 2 years; and
(c) a declaration that the person is a current member of other named approved shooting clubs or that the person is not a current member of any other approved shooting club.
(2) A statement mentioned in subsection (1) (a) is current for 3 months after the day it is signed by the authorised officer.