• Specific Year

LIQUOR ACT 1992 - SECT 173D Local government must advertise designation and place signs


Local government must advertise designation and place signs

173D Local government must advertise designation and place signs

(1) A local government that designates a public place under section 173C must advertise, or cause someone else to advertise, the designation in a newspaper that circulates in its area.
(2) The advertisement must—
(a) include a description of the public place; and
(b) specify the period or times (if any) during which the public place is a designated public place.
(3) The local government must also erect, or cause someone else to erect, signs that—
(a) sufficiently identify the public place as a designated public place; and
(b) specify the period or times (if any) during which the public place is a designated public place.
(4) The local government does not have to comply with subsection (1) if it has specified under section 173C (2) that the designation in relation to the public place has effect for a period not longer than 1 day.
(5) A local government does not have to comply with subsections (1) to (3) if the designation is for a public place adjacent to premises used for the primary purpose of eating meals prepared, served and intended to be eaten on the premises.
(6) However, written local government approval for the use of the public place mentioned in subsection (5) must be conspicuously displayed in the place.