• Specific Year

NORFOLK ISLAND ACT 1979 No. 25, 1979 - SECT 9 Deputy Administrator

NORFOLK ISLAND ACT 1979 No. 25, 1979 - SECT 9

Deputy Administrator
9. (1) There shall be a Deputy Administrator of the Territory, who shall be
appointed by the Governor-General by Commission and shall hold office during
the pleasure of the Governor-General.

(2) Where-

   (a)  there is a vacancy in the office of Administrator or the Administrator
        is absent from the Territory or unable by reason of illness or
        incapacity to perform his duties; and

   (b)  an Acting Administrator has not entered on his duties, the Deputy
        Administrator has and may exercise and perform all the powers and
        functions of the Administrator.

(3) The exercise of the powers and the performance of the functions of the
Administrator, by virtue of this section, by the Deputy Administrator, during
the absence of the Administrator from the Territory does not affect the
exercise of any power or the performance of any function by the Administrator.