• Specific Year

Hughes, Claire --- "The Modifi cation of Assessment Task Dimensions in Support of Student Progression in Legal Skills Development" [2009] LegEdRev 6; (2009) 19(1) Legal Education Review 133

[*] Lecturer, Teaching and Educational Development Institute, The University of Queensland. Thanks are given to the following participants in the ALTC/CALD project symposium role discussion group whose ideas initiated this paper and whose examples have illustrated the points made — Andrew Antonopoulos, Vivienne Brand, Kelly Burton, Adrian Evans, Rosemary Howell, Wendy Larcombe, Geraldine McKenzie, Brenda Marshall and Chris Symes. I am grateful to Gary Davis and Susanne Owen for the opportunity to participate in the symposium and, in particular, to Susanne for developing and providing the examples included in Table 2.

[1] Simon Marginson, ‘Towards a Politics of the Enterprise University’ in Simon Cooper, John Hinkson and Geoff Sharp (eds), Scholars and Entrepreneurs: The Universities in Crisis (2002) 109.

[2] Colin Symes and John McIntyre (eds), Working Knowledge: The New Vocationalism and Higher Education (2000).

[3] Mantz Yorke, Issues in the Assessment of Practice-Based Professional Learning (Report prepared for the Practice-Based Professional Learning CETL at the Open University, 2005) <http://www.open.ac.uk/cetl-workspace/cetlcontent/documents/464428ed4aa20.pdf> at 23 December 2009.

[4] Brenda Little and Lee Harvey, Learning through Work Placements and Beyond (Report for HECSU and the Higher Education Academy’s Work Placements Organisation Forum, 2006) <http://www.prospects.ac.uk/downloads/documents/HECSU/Reports/Workplacement_Little_Harvey.pdf> at 23 December 2009.

[5] Clair Hughes, ‘Assessment as “Text” Production: Drawing on Systemic Functional Grammar to Frame the Design and Analysis of Assessment Tasks’ (2009) 34(5) Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 553.

[6] Peter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing (2005) 13.

[7] Hughes, above n 5, 556.

[8] Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (1991) 56.

[9] John Swales, Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings (1990) 9.

[10] Olga Dysthe et al, ‘A Theory-Based Discussion of Assessment Criteria: The Balance between Explicitness and Negotiation’ in Anton Havnes and Liz McDowell (eds), Balancing Dilemmas in Assessment and Learning in Contemporary Education (2008) 121.

[11] Mark Tennant, ‘Learning to Work, Working to Learn: Theories of Situational Education’ in Colin Symes and John McIntyre (eds), Working Knowledge: The New Vocationalism and Higher Education (2000) 123.

[12] Richard Daugherty, Paul Black, Katherine Ecclestone, Mary James and Paul Newton, ‘Alternative Perspectives on Learning Outcomes: Challenges for Assessment’ (2008) 19(4) Curriculum Journal 243, 24.

[13] Anne Hewitt, ‘A Critique of the Assessment of Professional Skills’ (2008) Legal Education Review 143.

[14] John Biggs, Aligning Teaching and Assessment to Curriculum Objectives (2002) <http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/resources/resourcedatabase/ id477_aligning_teaching_for_constructing_learning.pdf> at 23 December 2009.

[15] Graham Gibbs and Claire Simpson, ‘Conditions under Which Assessment Supports Students’ Learning’ (2004) 1 Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 3; David Nicol and Debra Macfarlane-Dick, ‘Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning: A Model and Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice’ (2006) 31(2) Studies in Higher Education 199.

[16] D Royce Sadler, ‘Interpretations of Criteria-Based Assessment and Grading in Higher Education’ (2005) 30(2) Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 175.

[17] Gordon Joughin, ‘Dimensions of Oral Assessment’ (1998) 23(4) Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 367.

[18] Judith Gulikers, Theo Bastiaens and Paul Kirschner, ‘Defining Authentic Assessment: Five Dimensions of Authenticity’ in Anton Havnes and Liz McDowell (eds), Balancing Dilemmas in Assessment and Learning in Contemporary Education (2008) 73.

[19] Tennant, above n 11, 132.

[20] Lee Andresen, David Boud and Ruth Cohen, ‘Experience-Based Learning: Contemporary Issues’ in Griff Foley (ed), Understanding Adult Education and Training (2nd ed, 1995) 225.

[21] Example offered from the practice of a participant at the ALTC/CALD symposium.

[22]Merrelyn Bates, ‘Work-Integrated Curricula in University Programs’ (2008) 27(4) Higher Education Research and Development 305, 313.

[23] Gulikers, Bastiaens and Kirschner, above n 19, 78.

[24] Ibid 80.

[25] David Krathwohl, ‘A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview’ (2002) 41(4) Theory into Practice 212.

[26] Gulikers, Bastiaens and Kirschner, above n 18, 80.

[27] Peter Knight, ‘The Assessment of Complex Learning Outcomes’ (Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Education, Manchester, 18–21 August, 2002).

[28] Dysthe et al, above n 10.

[29] Claire Smith and Heather Burke, ‘Mortimer Wheeler, Lewis Binford, Ian Hodder ... and You: Active Learning in Archaeology’ (Paper presented at the Annual HERDSA Conference on Higher Education in a Changing World, Sydney, 3-6 July, 2005).

[30] Joy Cumming and Graham Maxwell, ‘Contextualising Authentic Assessment’ (1999) 6(2) Assessment in Education 177.

[31] Lambert Schuwirth, Assessment Overview? (2004) <http://www.fdg.unimaas.nl/educ/lambert/bern/assessment%20overview.ppt> at 23 December 2009.

[32] Joughin, above n 18, 370.

[33] Bates, above n 23, 313.

[34] Peter Knight, ‘Grading, Classifying and Future Learning’ in David Boud and Nancy Falchikov (eds), Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education: For Future Learning (2007) 72, 80.

[35] John Bransford, ‘Preparing People for Rapidly Changing Environments’ (2007) 96(1) Journal of Engineering Education 1.

[36] Nancy Falchikov, ‘The Place of Peers in Learning and Assessment’ in Nancy Falchikov and David Boud (eds), Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education (2008) 128, 137.

[37] Malcolm Knowles, The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species (1973).

[38] Mary Macken et al, An Approach to Writing K-12: The Theory and Practice of Genre-Based Writing: A Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing Years 3–6 (1989).

[39] Hilda Taba, Curriculum: Theory and Practice (1962).

[40] The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Subject Benchmark Statement: Law <http://www.qaa.ac.uk/academicInfrastructure/benchmark/honours/law.asp#9> at 23 December 2009.

[41] Tasks illustrated in Table 2 are those suggested by participants in a parallel discussion group on the same symposium topic and further developed by Dr Susanne Owen, the ALTC/CALD project manager.

[42] Jenifer Davies and Kathryn Ecclestone, ‘“Straitjacket” or “Springboard for Sustainable Learning?” The Implications of Formative Assessment Practices in Vocational Learning Cultures’ (2008) 19(2) Curriculum Journal 71, 83.

[43] Gloria Dall’Alba and Jorgen Sandberg, ‘Unveiling Professional Development: A Critical Review of Stage Models’ (2006) 76(3) Review of Educational Research 383.