• Specific Year

Nancarrow, Heather --- "The Emergency Response to Family Violence in the Northern Territory: Where's the Evidence?" [2007] IndigLawB 60; (2007) 7(1) Indigenous Law Bulletin 14

[1] K E Mow, Tjunparni: Family Violence In Indigenous Australia (1992) 10.

[2] Partnerships Against Domestic Violence, First Report of the Taskforce 1998-1999 (1999) 1.

[3] Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on the Status of Women (Jocelyn Newman) cited in Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (‘PADV’), Indigenous Family Violence: Phase 1 Meta-evaluation Report (2003) I, <http://ofw.facsia.gov.au/downloads/pdfs/d_v/padv_phase_one_ifv.pdf> at 23 November 2007.

[4] PADV, Second Report of the Taskforce 1999–2000 (2000), <http://ofw.facs.gov.au/downloads/pdfs/d_v/second_report_taskforce.pdf> at 23 November 2007.

[5] PADV Indigenous Family Violence: Phase 1 Meta-evaluation Report (2003).

[6] Ibid 95.

[7] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Task Force on Violence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Task Force on Violence Report (1999).

[8] T Koch, series of newspaper articles and associated responses on Indigenous violence in Queensland published in The Courier Mail (Brisbane, 31 October 1998, 2 November 1998, 3 November 1998, 7 November 1998).

[9] T Fitzgerald, Cape York Justice Study (1998).

[10] Paul Memmott, Rachael Stacy, Catherine Chambers and Catherine Keys, Violence in Indigenous Communities: Full Report (2001).

[11] Sue Gordon, Kay Hallahan, and Darrell Henry, Putting the Picture Together: Inquiry into Response by Government Agencies to Complaints of Family Violence and Child Abuse in Aboriginal Communities (2001).

[12] Ibid 427.

[13] Ibid 429.

[14] Rex Wild and Pat Anderson, Ampe Akelyernemane Meke Mekarle: “Little Children are Sacred”: Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse (2007).

[15] Mal Brough MP, ‘National Emergency Response to Protect Aboriginal Children in the NT’ (Press Release, 21 June 2007) <http://www.atsia.gov.au/Media/media07/210607.aspx> at 19 October 2007.

[16] Mal Brough MP, ‘NT Taskforce Operational Commander’ (Press Release, 30 June 2007) <http://www.atsia.gov.au/Media/media07/300607_operational_commander.aspx> at 19 October 2007.

[17] Mal Brough MP above n 15, 1.

[18] Wild and Anderson, above n 14, 7.

[19] Gordon et al, above n 11, 429.

[20] Lindsay Murdoch & Stephanie Peatling, ‘Terrified Families Flee in Panic’Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney), 27 June 2007, <http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/terrified-families-flee-in-panic/2007/06/26/1182623909275.html> at 22 October 2007.

[21] See Michael Winkler, Strong & Smart: Chris Sarra and Cherbourg <http://www.daretolead.edu.au/cache14/RA_NSW_CHERBOURG.html> at 20 October 2007.