• Specific Year

SETTLED LAND ACT 1958 - SECT 57 Power to compromise claims and release restrictions etc.


Power to compromise claims and release restrictions etc.

A tenant for life may with the consent of the trustees of the settlement or order of the Court, either with or without giving or taking any consideration in money or otherwise, compromise, compound, abandon, submit to arbitration, or otherwise settle any claim, dispute or question whatsoever relating to the settled land, or any part thereof, including in particular claims, disputes or questions as to boundaries, the ownership of mines and minerals, rights and powers of working mines and minerals, local laws and customs relative to the working of mines and minerals and other matters, easements, and restrictive covenants, and for any of those purposes may enter into, give, execute and do such agreements, assurances, releases and other things as the tenant for life may, with such consent or order as aforesaid, think proper.

No. 3771 s. 58.