• Specific Year

FISHERIES (SCALEFISH) RULES 2004 (S.R. 2004, NO. 91) - REG 94 Limits on taking or possessing certain scalefish

FISHERIES (SCALEFISH) RULES 2004 (S.R. 2004, NO. 91) - REG 94

PART 9 - Catch and by-catch limits Limits on taking or possessing certain scalefish

(1)  The holder of a fishing licence (personal) who is not operating in accordance with a Commonwealth authority must not –
(a) take, or have possession of, more than 200 kilograms of any species or type of scalefish covered under the Commonwealth Act, other than the species specified in paragraph (c) ; or
(b) take, or have possession of, more than the following amounts of scalefish:
(i) 10 fish or 40 kilograms, whichever is greater in weight, in total of albacore tuna ( Thunnus alalunga ), skipjack tuna ( Katsuwonus pelamis ), longtail tuna ( Thunnus tongol ) and Rays bream (family Bramidae) (pomfret);
(ii) 2 fish in total of bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares );
(iii) 50 kilograms in total of hapuku ( Polyprion oxygeneios ), bass ( Polyprion americanus ) and bass groper ( Polyprion moene );
(iv) 50 kilograms of blue-eye trevalla;
(v) 100 kilograms of blue grenadier ( Macruronus novaezelandiae );
(vi) 50 kilograms of gemfish ( Rexea solandri );
(vii) 50 kilograms of redfish ( Centroberyx affinis ); or
(c) take, or have possession of, the following fish:
(i) orange roughy ( Hoplostethus atlanticus );
(ii) flathead, deepwater ( Neoplatycephalus conatus );
(iii) king dory ( Cyttus traversi );
(iv) black oreo ( Allocyttus niger );
(v) spiky oreo ( Neocyttus rhomboidalis );
(vi) smooth oreo ( Pseudocyttus maculatus );
(vii) warty oreo ( Allocyttus verrucosus );
(viii) ox-eye oreo ( Oreosoma atlanticum );
(ix) yelloweye nannygai ( Centroberyx australis );
(x) southern bluefin tuna;
(xi) northern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus );
(xii) billfish (families Istiophoridae and Xiphiidae).
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 2 penalty.
(2)  Subrule (1) does not apply to the holder of a fishing licence (rock lobster).
(3)  A person who is the holder of a fishing licence (rock lobster) must not use more than the following fishing gear to take fish of the superclass Pisces:
(a) graball net, the total headline length of which is not more than 150 metres;
(b) 2 fish traps;
(c) trolling lines;
(d) one of the following:
(i) one demersal longline not more than 1 000 metres in length with not more than 200 snoods and hooks attached or capable of being attached;
(ii) 2 droplines to which no more than 200 snoods and hooks are attached or capable of being attached.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 2 penalty.
(4)  The holder of a fishing licence (rock lobster) using not more than the fishing gear specified in subrule (3) must not –
(a) take, or have possession of, more than the following amounts of scalefish:
(i) 10 fish or 40 kilograms, whichever is greater in weight, in total of albacore tuna, skipjack tuna, longtail tuna and Rays bream;
(ii) 100 kilograms of blue-eye trevalla;
(iii) 200 kilograms of ling ( Genypterus blacodes );
(iv) 50 kilograms of gemfish;
(v) 20 kilograms of garfish;
(vi) 30 fish of bastard trumpeter;
(vii) 30 fish of flathead;
(viii) 15 fish of southern calamary;
(ix) 60 fish of warehou;
(x) 60 fish of jackass morwong; or
(b) take, or have possession of, the following scalefish:
(i) bigeye tuna;
(ii) billfish;
(iii) northern bluefin tuna;
(iv) orange roughy;
(v) southern bluefin tuna;
(vi) yellowfin tuna;
(vii) yelloweye nannygai; or
(c) land or unload more than –
(i) 150 kilograms of Australian salmon; or
(ii) 30 kilograms of wrasse.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 2 penalty.
(5)  A person who holds a Commonwealth authority to take a species of fish for which a Commonwealth quota applies, or which authorises the taking of that species if the person holds a quota for that species, must not take, or have possession of, any fish of that species other than in accordance with that authority.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 2 penalty.
(6)  The holder of a fishing licence (personal) must not, in State waters, take, or have possession of, more than 250 kilograms in total of all of the following fish:
(a) striped trumpeter;
(b) snapper;
(c) yellowtail kingfish.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding the applicable Grade 3 penalty.