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WATER MANAGEMENT ACT 1999 - SECT 208 Minister may give directions to trust


Minister may give directions to trust

(1)  The Minister may give directions to a trust with respect to the performance of its functions and, in performing its functions, the trust must comply with any directions so given.
(2)  The power conferred on the Minister by subsection (1) is not to be exercised so as –
(a) to require a trust to do anything that it is not empowered to do by this Act; or
(b) to prevent a trust from performing any function that it is required by this Act to perform, whether conditionally or unconditionally; or
(c) to interfere with the formation by a trust of any opinion or belief relating to any matter that has to be determined as a prerequisite to the performance or exercise by the trust of any of its functions or powers under this Act.