• Specific Year

RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2009 - SECT 19 Requests may be refused if resources unreasonably diverted


Requests may be refused if resources unreasonably diverted

(1)  If the public authority or Minister dealing with a request is satisfied that the work involved in providing the information requested –
(a) would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the public authority from its other work; or
(b) would interfere substantially and unreasonably with the performance by that Minister of the Minister's other functions –
having regard to –
(c) the matters specified in Schedule 3  –
the public authority or Minister may refuse to provide the information without identifying, locating or collating the information.
(2)  A public authority or Minister must not refuse to provide information by virtue of subsection (1) without first giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity to consult the public authority or Minister with a view to the applicant being helped to make an application in a form that would remove the ground for refusal.