• Specific Year

RESIDENTIAL TENANCY ACT 1997 - SECT 36K Bathrooms and toilets to be provided


Bathrooms and toilets to be provided

(1)  An owner must not enter into, extend, or renew, a residential tenancy agreement in relation to premises unless –
(a) there is, in or on the premises, a flushable toilet that is –
(i) connected to a sewer, an on-site wastewater management system (including a septic system), or any other system, approved by the council for the municipal area in which the premises are situated, for treatment or disposal of waste; and
(ii) contained in a room that is intended to be used solely for the purposes of toilet use or as a bathroom; and
(b) the room that contains the toilet contains –
(i) a vent or opening window; or
(ii) a functioning device that enables the room to be mechanically ventilated.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
(2)  An owner must not enter into, extend, or renew, a residential tenancy agreement in relation to premises unless –
(a) there is situated on the premises a bathroom (which may contain a toilet) that is in a separate room; and
(b) the bathroom is designed to permit a person to use it in private; and
(c) the bathroom contains a bath or a shower (and may contain both); and
(d) the bathroom contains a washbasin; and
(e) any washbasin, bath or shower in the bathroom is connected to a water system enabling a continuous supply of a reasonable amount of hot and cold water to be provided to the washbasin, bath or shower.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.