• Specific Year

PUBLIC INTEREST DISCLOSURES ACT 2002 - SECT 59 Person who made disclosure to be informed


Person who made disclosure to be informed

(1)  If the Ombudsman investigates a disclosed matter or takes any other action under this Part in respect of a disclosed matter, the Ombudsman must, within a reasonable time after the completion of the investigation, inform the person who made the disclosure of the result of the investigation or other action.
(2)  The information may be provided in the manner that the Ombudsman thinks fit.
(3)  If it appears to the Ombudsman that insufficient steps have been taken within a reasonable time after making a report and recommendations under section 56 , the Ombudsman must inform the person who made the disclosure of the recommendations, making any comments on them that he or she thinks appropriate.
(4)  The Ombudsman may disclose to the person who made the disclosure any additional information that the Ombudsman thinks appropriate.
(5)  This section does not apply in respect of a person who made an anonymous disclosure.