• Specific Year

GUARDIANSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION ACT 1995 - SECT 30 Removal of persons to place of safety


Removal of persons to place of safety

(1)  If it appears to a police officer that there is reasonable cause to suspect that a person with a disability who appears to be in need of a guardian –
(a) has been, or is being, ill-treated, neglected or unlawfully detained against his or her will; or
(b) is likely to suffer serious damage to his or her physical, emotional or mental health or well-being unless immediate action is taken –
the police officer may enter, if necessary by force, any premises in which that person is believed to be, and, if thought fit, remove that person from those premises.
(2)  A police officer, in removing a person under subsection (1) , is to be accompanied by a person nominated by the Public Guardian.
(3)  A person nominated by the Public Guardian must, as soon as practicable –
(a) convey the person to a place of safety; and
(b) ensure that an application for guardianship or other appropriate arrangements are made; and
(c) provide the Tribunal with a written report giving details of the action that he or she has taken under this section.