• Specific Year

WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION ACT 2003 - SECT 12 Entitlements of persons mentioned in sdiv 1


Entitlements of persons mentioned in sdiv 1

12 Entitlements of persons mentioned in sdiv 1

(1) A person mentioned in this subdivision who is covered under a contract of insurance entered into with WorkCover for this subdivision has, subject to this subdivision—
(a) an entitlement to weekly payments of compensation under chapter 3 , part 9 , division 4 , subdivision 3 and division 5 , subdivision 1 ; and
(b) for all other entitlements—the same entitlements to compensation as a worker.
(2) The contract must not cover the payment of damages for injury sustained by the person.
(2A) However, the contract must cover the payment of damages if the person is a specified volunteer firefighter who sustains an injury that is a specified disease.
See also section 236A about the application of chapter 5 to specified volunteer firefighters.
(3) For the purpose of the contract, in the application of the definition
"injury" to the person—
(a) the activity covered by the contract is taken to be the person’s employment; and
(b) the party with whom WorkCover enters the contract is taken to be the person’s employer.