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WATER ACT 2000 - SECT 67 What is a water management protocol

WATER ACT 2000 - SECT 67

What is a water management protocol

67 What is a water management protocol

"water management protocol" is a document that, for the purpose of implementing a water plan, may state any of following for the plan area—

(a) if provided for in the water plan—the volumes of unallocated water reserved for stated purposes or stated locations, or a process for releasing unallocated water;
(b) for water allocations managed under a resource operations licence—the water allocation dealing rules;
See section 158 (Water allocation dealing rules).
(c) if provided for in the water plan—the criteria and process for deciding applications for a seasonal water assignment or for relocation of a water licence;
(d) for water allocations not managed under a resource operations licence—
(i) the water allocation dealing rules; and
(ii) the water sharing rules; and
(iii) the seasonal water assignment rules;
(e) anything else the chief executive considers necessary for implementing the water plan.