• Specific Year

RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2009 - SECT 128 Support functions


Support functions

128 Support functions

(1) The functions of the information commissioner include giving information and help to agencies and members of the public on matters relevant to this Act, in particular, by—
(a) giving guidance on the interpretation and administration of this Act; and
(b) giving information and help to agencies, applicants and third parties at any stage of an access application; and
(c) promoting greater awareness of the operation of this Act in the community and within government, including by providing training and educative programs; and
(d) monitoring the way the public interest test set out in section 49 is applied by agencies and on external review, consulting experts on its application and keeping agencies informed; and
(e) commissioning external research, and consulting experts on the design of surveys, to monitor whether this Act and its administration are achieving this Act’s stated objectives; and
(f) commenting on any issues relating to the administration of right to information or privacy in the public sector environment; and
(g) without limiting paragraph (f) , identifying and commenting on legislative and administrative changes that would improve the administration of this Act.
(2) In this section—

"agency" includes a Minister.