• Specific Year

RACING INTEGRITY ACT 2016 - SECT 247 Appealing internal review decision


Appealing internal review decision

247 Appealing internal review decision

(1) If an interested person has applied for an internal review of an original decision that is a decision to seize or forfeit an animal or other thing, any interested person for the original decision may appeal to the court against the internal review decision by filing a notice of appeal with the registrar of the court.
(2) The notice of appeal must state fully the grounds of the appeal.
(3) The person must file the notice of appeal within 28 days after a review notice under section 245 (1) (c) about the internal review decision is given to the person.
(4) However, the court may, on application, at any time, extend the time for filing the notice of appeal.
(5) The person must serve a copy of the notice of appeal, and any application to extend the time for filing a notice of appeal, on the commission.
(6) The appeal does not—
(a) affect the operation of the internal review decision; or
(b) prevent the internal review decision being implemented.