• Specific Year

PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 - SECT 192 Suit, action or other proceeding


Suit, action or other proceeding

192 Suit, action or other proceeding

(1) In any suit or proceeding before the court, however originated, the court may, if it sees fit, exercise any of the powers conferred by this division, and may stay the suit or proceeding on such terms as it may deem proper.
(2) Where any action or proceeding is taken or is about to be taken at law by any person, and the court is of opinion that the matter could more conveniently be dealt with by an application under this division, the court may grant an injunction, on such terms as it may deem proper, restraining the person from taking or continuing the action or proceedings at law.
(3) In any action at law a judge may, if the judge is of opinion that the matter could more conveniently be dealt with by an application under this division, stay the action or proceeding on such terms as the judge may deem proper.