• Specific Year

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1994 - SECT 710 References to former terms


References to former terms

710 References to former terms

(1) A reference in an Act or a document to a term of the unamended Act (the
"former term" ) stated in column 1 of the following table may, if the context permits, be taken to be a reference to the term stated opposite the former term in column 2 of the table—


Column 1 Column 2
1 chapter 5A activity resource activity other than a mining activity
2 chapter 5A activity project ERA project for a resource activity other than a mining activity
3 coal seam gas environmental authority environmental authority for a CSG activity
4 code compliant conditions standard conditions
5 code compliant application standard application
6 code compliant authority environmental authority for an eligible ERA subject to the standard conditions
7 environmental authority (chapter 5A activities) environmental authority for a resource activity, other than a mining activity
8 environmental authority (exploration) environmental authority for a mining activity relating to an exploration permit
9 environmental authority (mineral development) environmental authority for a mining activity relating to a mineral development licence
10 environmental authority (mining activities) environmental authority for a mining activity
11 environmental authority (mining claim) environmental authority for a mining activity relating to a mining claim
12 environmental authority (mining lease) environmental authority for a mining activity relating to a mining lease
13 environmental authority (prospecting) prescribed conditions for a small scale mining activity
14 GHG residual risks requirement residual risks requirement for a GHG storage activity
15 non-code compliant application variation application
16 non-code compliant authority environmental authority for an eligible ERA subject to varied standard conditions
17 mining project resource project for a mining activity
18 level 1 mining project resource project for a mining activity that is an ineligible ERA
19 level 1 chapter 5A activity resource activity, other than a mining activity, that is an ineligible ERA
20 level 2 mining project resource project for a mining activity that is an eligible ERA
21 level 2 chapter 5A activity resource activity, other than a mining activity, that is an eligible ERA
22 standard environmental conditions standard conditions
(2) In this section—

"eligible ERA" see section 112.

"ineligible ERA" see section 112.