• Specific Year

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1994 - SECT 296 Definitions for division


Definitions for division

296 Definitions for division

In this division—

"ERC decision" means a decision of the administering authority under section 300 about the estimated rehabilitation cost for a resource activity.

"ERC period" , for the estimated rehabilitation cost for a resource activity, means—

(a) if a PRCP schedule applies for the activity—the period of between 1 and 5 years stated in the application for an ERC decision under section 298 (2) (b) ; or
(b) if the activity is a petroleum activity that is an ineligible ERA, other than a petroleum activity to which a plan of operations applies, or the activity relates to a 1923 Act petroleum tenure granted under the Petroleum Act 1923 —the period of between 1 and 5 years stated in the ERC decision about the estimated rehabilitation cost; or
(c) if a plan of operations applies for the activities—the plan period for the plan of operations; or
(d) otherwise—the total period during which the resource activity is likely to be carried out under the environmental authority for the activity.

"estimated rehabilitation cost" , for a resource activity, see section 300 (2) .