• Specific Year

CROWN PROCEEDINGS ACT 1980 - SECT 11 Satisfaction of judgment


Satisfaction of judgment

11 Satisfaction of judgment

(1) A judgment for or of money, damages or costs in a proceeding against the Crown shall be satisfied by the Treasurer by payment out of money—
(a) in the Treasurer’s hands for the time being, lawfully applicable thereto; or
(b) that may be appropriated by Parliament for that purpose.
(2) Where a payment specified in subsection (1) is not duly made by the Treasurer, execution may be had and levied by distress and sale on any property vested in Her Majesty in right of the State of Queensland other than—
(a) all property used, held, occupied or enjoyed or intended so to be by the Governor for the time being;
(b) the parliamentary buildings at Brisbane and all property therein or appertaining thereto or used or occupied therewith for the purposes of Parliament or of the Legislative Assembly;
(c) Supreme Court houses and other court houses and offices appertaining thereto;
(d) all corrective services facilities within the meaning of the Corrective Services Act 2006 and all property therein or appertaining thereto or used or occupied therewith.