• Specific Year

Database Statistics

  • 22 April 2024 last updated
  • 275,566 accesses in the last 12 months

About this Database

This database contains consolidated regulations, rules and by-laws of the Northern Territory. If there have been no amendments to a Regulation or an official consolidation does not yet exist, you will not find it in this database; instead, you will find it in the numbered Regulations database. The official website of Northern Territory Legislation contains current consolidations. All material herein is reproduced by permission, but does not purport to be the official or authorised version.

Database last updated: 22 April 2024

This is the date on which AustLII last updated this database and does not necessarily indicate currency. Data is obtained by AustLII from the Northern Territory legislation website on a weekly basis. AustLII aims to publish updates weekly. Amendments made after AustLII's most recent update will not be available in this database.

To check the date of the most recent update on AustLII of any regulation, rule or by-law check the [Notes] link at the top of any regulation, rule or by-law. More recent updates may be available from the Northern Territory Government Legislation Database.

Data Provision

Data in this database is owned by the Northern Territory of Australia. AustLII thanks the Northern Territory Parliamentary Counsel's Office for making this data available for public access.

Reproduction of this Legislation

Copyright © Northern Territory of Australia
All material herein is reproduced by permission but does not purport to be the official or authorised version. Northern Territory legislation is available on the internet through AustLII with the permission of the Northern Territory which has waived copyright for this purpose. The database contains consolidated Regulations, Rules and By-Laws produced from the legislative database maintained by the Northern Territory Parliamentary Counsel and copyright in these Regulations, Rules and By-Laws is retained by the Northern Territory. The database is required to be converted to a form suitable for electronic transmission via the internet and is required to be updated from time to time. No warranty is given that the database is accurate or free from error or omission. The official print of the legislation remains that published by the Government Printer of the Northern Territory. The Northern Terrirtory and its servants and agents expressly disclaim liability for any act done or omission made as a result of reliance upon the information in the database and any consequences of any such act or omission.

The government copyright notice relates to copyright in the legislative data. For details of AustLII's copyright in the presentation and organisation of the data, see the AustLII Copyright Notice.
