• Specific Year

FAIR TRADING (GENERAL) REGULATION 2002 - REG 14 Single blockage test for potty skimmers

This legislation has been repealed.


Single blockage test for potty skimmers

14 Single blockage test for potty skimmers

(1) The single blockage test for a potty skimmer is to be conducted as follows:
(a) the potty skimmer lid, and any other safety features of the potty skimmer that can be removed without the use of a tool or excessive force, is to be removed,
(b) the spa is to be operating with other normal safety features (such as cut-out switches, if supplied, and protective covers on outlets other than potty skimmers) functioning or in place,
(c) after the spa has been operating for at least one minute, the potty skimmer is to be blocked.
(2) Suction in the blocked potty skimmer is to be measured for at least 15 seconds after the blockage.
(3) The suction must not exceed 12 kilopascals.