• Specific Year

AUSTRALIAN ROAD RULES - REG 261 Stopping for a yellow bicycle crossing light

This legislation has been repealed.


Stopping for a yellow bicycle crossing light

261 Stopping for a yellow bicycle crossing light

(1) The rider of a bicycle approaching bicycle crossing lights showing a yellow bicycle crossing light must comply with this rule.
: Offence provision.
Note :
"Bicycle crossing lights" and
"yellow bicycle crossing light" are defined in the dictionary.
(2) If the rider can stop safely before reaching the bicycle crossing lights, the bicycle rider must stop before reaching the lights.
(3) If the rider stops before reaching the bicycle crossing lights, and the lights change to red, the bicycle rider must not proceed until:
(a) the bicycle crossing lights change to green, or
(b) there is no red or yellow bicycle crossing light showing.
Note :
"Green bicycle crossing light" and
"red bicycle crossing light" are defined in the dictionary.
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