• Specific Year

AUSTRALIAN ROAD RULES - REG 103 Load limit signs

This legislation has been repealed.


Load limit signs

103 Load limit signs

(1) A driver must not drive past a bridge load limit (gross mass) sign or gross load limit sign if the total of the gross mass (in tonnes) of the driver's vehicle, and any vehicle connected to it, is more than the gross mass indicated by the sign.
: Offence provision.
Note :
"Driver's vehicle" is defined in the dictionary.
(2) A driver must not drive past a bridge load limit (mass per axle group) sign if the mass (in tonnes) carried by an axle group of the driver's vehicle, or any vehicle connected to it, is more than the mass indicated by the sign for the axle group.
: Offence provision.
(3) In this rule:

"vehicle" includes any load carried by the vehicle.

Note for diagrams : There are a number of other permitted versions of the bridge load limit (mass per axle group) sign--see the diagrams in Schedule 3.