• Specific Year

WATER SHARING PLAN FOR THE NSW BORDER RIVERS REGULATED RIVER WATER SOURCE 2009 - REG 35 Available water determinations for regulated river (high security) access licences


Available water determinations for regulated river (high security) access licences

35 Available water determinations for regulated river (high security) access licences

(1) The water supply system shall be managed so that available water determinations for regulated river (high security) access licences of 1 megalitre per unit share can be maintained through a repeat of the worst period of low inflows into this water source (based on historical flow information held by the Department when this Plan commenced).
(2) Sufficient volumes of water must be set aside from assured inflows into this water source and in reserves held in Pindari Dam and Glenlyon Dam water storages to provide for subclause (1).
(3) The available water determination for regulated river (high security) access licences made for the commencement of each water year shall be 1 megalitre per unit of share component, whenever possible.
(4) If the available water determination made under subclause (3) is less than 1 megalitre per unit of share component, then further assessments of available water resources shall be carried out and further available water determinations made until the sum of available water determinations for the water year is 1 megalitre per unit of share component.
(5) The sum of available water determinations made for regulated river (high security) access licences in any water year shall not exceed 1 megalitre per unit of share component.
(6) Available water determinations made for regulated river (high security) access licences must take into account:
(a) the environmental water provisions established by this Plan,
(b) requirements for domestic and stock rights,
(c) requirements for native title rights,
(d) requirements for local water utility access licences,
(e) requirements for domestic and stock access licences,
(f) volumes remaining in access licence water allocation accounts from previous available water determinations,
(g) water losses associated with the holding and delivery of water to meet the requirements specified in subclauses (a) to (f),
(h) an appropriate volume to meet water losses associated with the holding and delivery of water resulting from an available water determination, and
(i) any other relevant matters.