• Specific Year

WATER SHARING PLAN FOR THE GREATER METROPOLITAN REGION UNREGULATED RIVER WATER SOURCES 2011 - REG 35 Releases for environmental and town water supply purposes in the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean Rivers Water Source


Releases for environmental and town water supply purposes in the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean Rivers Water Source

35 Releases for environmental and town water supply purposes in the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean Rivers Water Source

(1) Subject to subclause (4), in addition to the release requirements specified in subclause (2), a daily release of water for water supply from the Warragamba Pipeline into Megarritys Creek in the Warragamba River Management Zone must be made which is equal to:
(a) 25 ML/day from 1 November to 31 March, and
(b) 17 ML/day from 1 April to 31 October.
Note : 25 ML/day and 17 ML/day are the additional water requirements of Sydney Water Corporation to meet estimated summer and winter demands respectively for water taken by Sydney Water Corporation under its access licence for the Upper Hawkesbury River (Grose River to South Creek) Management Zone to provide for North Richmond's water supply.
(2) Subject to subclause (4), in addition to the release requirements specified in subclause (1), a daily environmental flow release of water must be made from the Warragamba Pipeline into the Warragamba River in the Warragamba River Management Zone which is equal to 5 ML/day.
Note : The daily environmental flow release of 5 ML/day from Warragamba Dam serves to dilute effluent discharged from Wallacia Sewage Treatment Plant to the Warragamba River.
(3) For the purposes of subclauses (1) and (2), the volume of water released must be measured in a manner approved in writing by the Minister.
(4) Daily releases of water under subclauses (1) and (2) are not required to be made when:
(a) the release requirements cannot be met due to an emergency situation and the holder of the water supply work approval notifies the Minister in writing within 7 days of becoming aware of the emergency,
(b) the Minister is satisfied that the release requirements cannot be met due to water supply work capacity constraints or necessary maintenance, refurbishment or modification work that has the potential to temporarily affect the flow rate or behaviour of water for a period of more than 24 hours and has granted permission in writing,
(c) the Minister requires an alternate release to be made due to an emergency situation or a maintenance activity and has notified this in writing, or
(d) the respective storage is spilling at a rate that equals or exceeds the respective release requirement specified in subclauses (1) and (2).