• Specific Year

SUPREME COURT RULES 1970 - SECT 80A.10 Advertisement and inspection of certain applications


Advertisement and inspection of certain applications

80A.10 Advertisement and inspection of certain applications

(1) This rule applies to an application for an order under any of the provisions of the Corporations Law referred to in column 1 of Table 1 below.

Table 1

Column 1 Column 2
Provision Description
s 246D (5) Rights of holders of classes of shares and of members
s 254E (1) Validation of shares improperly issued
s 411 (4) (b) and (6) Compromises and arrangements
s 413 (1) Reconstruction and amalgamation of Part 5.1 bodies
s 459A Winding up (insolvency)
s 461 Winding up (general grounds)
s 601FP Appointment of temporary responsible entity
s 601ND (1) Winding up of schemes
(2) The descriptions in column 2 of Table 1 are inserted for convenience of reference only, and do not affect the operation of this rule.
(3) Subject to subrule (4), notice of an application to which this rule applies must be advertised not later than 7 days before the date appointed for the hearing.
(4) Notice of an application for an order under section 459A or section 461 must not be advertised earlier than 3 days after the date of service of the summons on the subject corporation.
(5) The notice shall be in Form 154B.
(6) Where an application to which this rule relates is made otherwise than by the subject corporation, the applicant shall, as soon as practicable after filing the document by which proceedings in the application is commenced, and in any event not later than 14 days after that document is filed, serve that document and the affidavit in support of the application on the subject corporation.
(7) Any creditor, contributory or officer of a subject corporation shall at any time before the date appointed for the hearing be entitled to inspect at the address specified in the notice copies of the summons and supporting affidavits in respect of any application, notice of which has been advertised under this rule.