• Specific Year




7.1 Earthworks

(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows--
(a) to ensure that earthworks for which development consent is required will not have a detrimental impact on environmental functions and processes, neighbouring uses, cultural or heritage items or features of the surrounding land,
(b) to allow earthworks of a minor nature without separate development consent.
(2) Development consent is required for earthworks unless--
(a) the work is exempt development under this Plan or another applicable environmental planning instrument, or
(b) the work is ancillary to other development for which development consent has been given.
(3) Before granting development consent for earthworks, the consent authority must consider the following matters--
(a) the likely disruption of, or any detrimental effect on, existing drainage patterns and soil stability in the locality,
(b) the effect of the proposed development on the likely future use or redevelopment of the land,
(c) the quality of the fill or the soil to be excavated, or both,
(d) the effect of the proposed development on the existing and likely amenity of adjoining properties,
(e) the source of any fill material and the destination of any excavated material,
(f) the likelihood of disturbing relics,
(g) the proximity to and potential for adverse impacts on any waterway, drinking water catchment or environmentally sensitive area,
(h) any appropriate measures proposed to avoid, minimise or mitigate the impacts of the development,
(i) the proximity to and potential for adverse impacts on any heritage item, archaeological site, or heritage conservation area.
Note 1 : The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 , particularly section 86, deals with disturbing or excavating land and Aboriginal objects.
Note 2 : Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 20--Hawkesbury-Nepean River (No 2--1997) requires development consent for the "Filling of land, including submerged aquatic land, by raising the ground level through disposal of spoil from any landfill method (such as mining, dredging or refuse dumping), whether or not to enable the construction of a road or the erection of buildings or pylons or any other structure, where filling exceeds 1 metre in depth, or an area of 100 square metres".