• Specific Year

EDUCATION AND CARE SERVICES NATIONAL REGULATIONS - REG 220 Modifications about financial matters


Modifications about financial matters

220 Modifications about financial matters

The Ombudsman Act applies as if it were modified to provide that the Education and Care Services Ombudsman is required to--

(a) ensure the Ombudsman's operations are carried out efficiently, effectively and economically; and
(b) keep proper books and records in relation to the funds held by the Ombudsman; and
(c) ensure expenditure is made from the funds held by the Ombudsman only for lawful purposes and, as far as possible, reasonable value is obtained for moneys expended from the funds; and
(d) ensure the Ombudsman's procedures, including internal control procedures, afford adequate safeguards with respect to--
(i) the correctness, regularity and propriety of payments made from the funds held by the Ombudsman; and
(ii) receiving and accounting for payments made to the Ombudsman; and
(iii) prevention of fraud or mistake; and
(e) take any action necessary to ensure the preparation of accurate financial statements in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards for inclusion in the Ombudsman's annual report; and
(f) take any action necessary to facilitate the audit of the financial statements; and
(g) arrange for any further audit by a qualified person of records kept by the Ombudsman in relation to the funds held by the Ombudsman, if directed to do so by the Ministerial Council.