• Specific Year

PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT OPERATIONS ACT 1997 - SECT 151A EPA may require other notification of pollution incidents


EPA may require other notification of pollution incidents

151A EPA may require other notification of pollution incidents

(1) This section applies to the occupier of premises where a pollution incident has occurred in the course of an activity so that material harm to the environment is caused or threatened.
(2) The EPA may direct a person to whom this section applies to notify such other persons of the incident as the EPA requires.
(3) The direction is not required to be given in writing.
(4) The direction may specify the manner or form of notifying the pollution incident and the information that must be provided.
(5) The direction may require that an initial verbal notification be followed by written notification.
(6) A person must not fail to comply with a direction given under this section.
(8) If a direction under this section is given to a person who is carrying out an activity, is engaged as an employee in carrying out an activity, or is the employer of such a person, the obligations under this section are in addition to, and not in derogation of, the obligations under section 148 (except as provided by section 151 (1)).