• Specific Year

PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION ACT 1898 - SECT 62 Practice as to granting administration of real and personal estate of intestate


Practice as to granting administration of real and personal estate of intestate

62 Practice as to granting administration of real and personal estate of intestate

(1) The practice and proceedings hitherto in force with reference to granting administration of the personal estate of an intestate shall, save as hereby altered and subject to the rules or Chapter 4 of the Succession Act 2006 , be applicable to administration granted hereunder, and so far as may be to administration of real estate, and administration of both real and personal estate may be granted in and by the same letters.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), if a person dies wholly intestate the real and personal estate of the person is to be distributed or held in trust in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Succession Act 2006 , and the real estate of that person is to be held as if it were devised to the persons for whom it is held in trust.