• Specific Year

PESTICIDES ACT 1999 - SECT 6 Eligible laws for purposes of Agvet Code--matters authorised by permit


Eligible laws for purposes of Agvet Code--matters authorised by permit

6 Eligible laws for purposes of Agvet Code--matters authorised by permit

Sections 12, 13 and 15 are declared to be eligible laws for the purposes of the definition of
"permit" in section 109 of the Agvet Code.

Note : The effect of a permit issued under section Part 7 of the Agvet Code is that it authorises a person to whom it applies to do (or omit to do) something that is otherwise prohibited by this Act, so long as the person does so in accordance with the conditions of the permit. In other words, a person who wants to do something in respect of a pesticide that would otherwise be prohibited under a provision of this Act that is an eligible law, may obtain a permit in respect of the doing of the thing.