• Specific Year

NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 - SECT 71AL Holding over under lease


Holding over under lease

71AL Holding over under lease

(1) A lease under this Part does not expire by effluxion of time except as otherwise provided by this Part.
(2) On the expiry of the then current term of a lease under this Part, the Minister holds over under the lease until such time as the lease is renewed or replaced.
(3) The term of a lease that renews or replaces a lease whose term has expired runs from the date of execution of the new lease by the Minister.
(4) For the avoidance of doubt, the expiry of a term of a lease under this Part does not affect--
(a) the reservation under this Act of the land that is the subject of the lease as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, or
(b) the establishment of any board of management under this Act for the land that is the subject of the lease and the appointment of any member of any such board.