• Specific Year

NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 - SECT 71AH Regular review of lease required


Regular review of lease required

71AH Regular review of lease required

(1) At least once every 5 years during the term of a lease under this Part--
(a) the Secretary, on behalf of the Minister, and
(b) the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested, and
(c) the Aboriginal owner board members for the lands concerned,
must consider whether or not any one or more of the provisions of the lease (including provisions relating to rent and the term of the lease) require amendment.
(2) The review must include a consideration of the adequacy of the then existing arrangements for management of the lands concerned and whether a recommendation should be made for amendments to this Act to meet specific requirements relating to the management of those lands.
(3) If a party to the lease or the Aboriginal owner board members fail to agree to an amendment proposed by another party, the disagreement is to be arbitrated in accordance with this Part.
(4) A lease may be amended by agreement of the parties and the Aboriginal owner board members as a result of the consultations despite any other provision of this or any other Act or law or of the lease.