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NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 - SECT 30I Karst conservation reserves


Karst conservation reserves

30I Karst conservation reserves

(1) The purpose of reserving land as a karst conservation reserve is to identify, protect and conserve areas, including subterranean land, containing outstanding or representative examples of karst landforms and natural phenomena so as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) A karst conservation reserve is to be managed in accordance with the following principles--
(a) the conservation of the karst environment, including the protection of catchment values, such as hydrological processes and water quality,
(b) the conservation of cultural values,
(c) the protection of natural water movement and air movement regimes and processes within the karst environment,
(d) the conservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystem function, the protection of the geological and geomorphological features and natural phenomena and the maintenance of natural landscapes, cave formations and fossil deposits,
(e) provision for research and monitoring,
(f) the promotion of public appreciation and understanding of the karst conservation reserve's natural and cultural values,
(g) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the karst conservation reserve's natural and cultural values,
(h) provision for sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the conservation of the karst conservation reserve's natural and cultural values,
(i) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991 ) in the karst conservation reserve that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the karst conservation reserve's natural and cultural values.