• Specific Year

MOTOR ACCIDENT INJURIES ACT 2017 - SECT 7.24 Further medical assessment after initial medical assessment


Further medical assessment after initial medical assessment

7.24 Further medical assessment after initial medical assessment

(cf s 62 MACA)

(1) A medical dispute referred for assessment under this Division may be referred again for assessment under this Division at any time by a court, a merit reviewer or the Commission.
(2) A medical dispute referred for assessment under this Division may be referred again for assessment under this Division by the claimant or the insurer, but only on the grounds prescribed by the regulations (if any) in relation to the medical assessment matter to which the dispute relates.
(3) A medical dispute may not be referred again for assessment by the claimant or the insurer on more than one occasion.
(4) Referral of a medical dispute under this section by a claimant or an insurer is to be by application to the President.
(5) The President is to arrange for the medical dispute to which the application relates to be referred to one or more medical assessors for a further medical assessment, but only if the President is satisfied that the application meets the requirements for referral under subsection (2).
(6) This section does not affect the final assessment of the degree of permanent impairment of an injured person after an interim assessment of permanent impairment.