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MOTOR ACCIDENTS COMPENSATION ACT 1999 - SECT 89B Parties to exchange documents before settlement conference


Parties to exchange documents before settlement conference

89B Parties to exchange documents before settlement conference

(1) Before the parties' settlement conference, each party to the claim must provide the other party or parties to the claim with a copy of all the documents on which the party proposes to rely for the purposes of the assessment of the claim under this Part.
(2) If a party does not provide a copy of a document before the parties' settlement conference, the document (and any information contained in the document) is not to be considered or otherwise taken into account by the Commission for the purposes of the assessment of the claim under this Part unless the Commission admits the document to assessment on being satisfied that the probative value of the document substantially outweighs any prejudicial effect it may have on another party.
(3) An insurer is not required to provide a copy of documents under this section if the insurer suspects on reasonable grounds that the claim is fraudulent or otherwise not made in good faith.