• Specific Year

MOTOR ACCIDENTS ACT 1988 - SECT 40A Objects--Part 5


Objects--Part 5

40A Objects--Part 5

The objects of this Part are:

(a) to ensure that claims are quickly brought to the attention of insurers:
(i) to enable early investigation and assessment of claims, and
(ii) to enable the early identification of the nature and severity of the injuries sustained in the motor accident and of the likely treatment and rehabilitation needs of the injured person, and
(iii) so that insurers can readily predict claim frequency and hence make appropriate provision for the calculation of premiums, and
(iv) to enable accident victims to receive prompt treatment and rehabilitation and prompt payment of lost earnings where liability is clear, and
(b) to promote negotiation between the parties and, by means of alternate dispute resolution, to ensure that the resolution of disputed claims by the courts is kept to a minimum, and
(c) to underscore the need to deter and prevent the making of fraudulent and exaggerated claims.