• Specific Year

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 - SECT 36J Core objectives for management of community land categorised as bushland


Core objectives for management of community land categorised as bushland

36J Core objectives for management of community land categorised as bushland

The core objectives for management of community land categorised as bushland are--

(a) to ensure the ongoing ecological viability of the land by protecting the ecological biodiversity and habitat values of the land, the flora and fauna (including invertebrates, fungi and micro-organisms) of the land and other ecological values of the land, and
(b) to protect the aesthetic, heritage, recreational, educational and scientific values of the land, and
(c) to promote the management of the land in a manner that protects and enhances the values and quality of the land and facilitates public enjoyment of the land, and to implement measures directed to minimising or mitigating any disturbance caused by human intrusion, and
(d) to restore degraded bushland, and
(e) to protect existing landforms such as natural drainage lines, watercourses and foreshores, and
(f) to retain bushland in parcels of a size and configuration that will enable the existing plant and animal communities to survive in the long term, and
(g) to protect bushland as a natural stabiliser of the soil surface.