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INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1996 - SECT 238 Rules to provide for elections for offices


Rules to provide for elections for offices

238 Rules to provide for elections for offices

(1) The rules of a State organisation must provide for the election of the holder of each office in the organisation by--
(a) a particular direct voting system, or
(b) a particular collegiate electoral system that, in the case of a full-time office, is a one-tier collegiate electoral system.
(2) In this section--

"collegiate electoral system" means a method of election comprising a first stage, at which persons are elected to a number of offices by a direct voting system, and a subsequent stage or subsequent stages at which persons are elected by and from a body of persons consisting only of--
(a) persons elected at the last preceding stage, or
(b) persons elected at the last preceding stage and other persons (being in number not more than 15% of the number of persons comprising the body) holding offices in the organisation (including the office to which the election relates), not including any person holding such an office merely because of having filled a casual vacancy in the office within the last 12 months, or the last quarter, of the term of the office.

"direct voting system" means a method of election at which the following are eligible to vote subject to reasonable provisions in relation to enrolment--
(a) all financial members, or
(b) all financial members included in the division of the organisation that is appropriate having regard to the nature of the office.

"one-tier collegiate electoral system" means a collegiate electoral system comprising only one stage after the first stage.