• Specific Year

HARNESS RACING ACT 2009 - SECT 8 Eligibility to be included on recommended members list


Eligibility to be included on recommended members list

8 Eligibility to be included on recommended members list

(1) The Selection Panel must not include a person in the recommended members list if--
(a) the person is not eligible to be a member of HRNSW, or
Note--: See section 6.
(b) the Panel is satisfied the person has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter that gives rise, or is likely to give rise, to a conflict of interest of a nature that is incompatible with membership of HRNSW.
(2) The Selection Panel may include a person in the recommended members list only if the Panel is satisfied--
(a) the person has experience in a senior administrative role, or at a senior level, in 1 or more of the following fields--
(i) business,
(ii) finance,
(iii) law,
(iv) marketing,
(v) technology,
(vi) commerce,
(vii) regulatory administration,
(viii) regulatory enforcement, and
(b) the person's skills and experience are relevant to the functions of HRNSW.
(3) The Selection Panel must choose between persons for inclusion in the recommended members list on the basis of merit.
(4) The merit of a person is to be decided on the basis of the person's abilities, qualifications, experience and personal qualities that are relevant to the exercise of the functions of HRNSW.