• Specific Year

HERITAGE ACT 1977 - SECT 170 Heritage and Conservation Register


Heritage and Conservation Register

170 Heritage and Conservation Register

(2) Words and expressions used in this section that are defined in the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 have the same meanings as in that Act.
(3) A government instrumentality shall establish and keep a register entitled the "Heritage and Conservation Register".
(4) A government instrumentality shall enter in the register details of each item of the environmental heritage--
(a) which is of a class prescribed by the regulations, and
(b) which--
(i) in the case of an accountable authority for a reporting GSF agency that is a Public Service agency--is vested in or owned or occupied by, or subject to the control of, the responsible Minister for the agency or the agency, or
(ii) in the case of any other reporting GSF agency--is owned or occupied by the agency.
(5) A government instrumentality shall review and, if necessary, amend its register not less than once each year.
(6) A government instrumentality shall furnish a copy of its register and of any amendments to its register to the Heritage Council in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Heritage Council.
(7) A person may inspect a government instrumentality's register or a copy of the register at the office, or principal office, of the government instrumentality or the Heritage Council during the ordinary office hours of the government instrumentality or the Heritage Council.
(8) A register or copy may be inspected free of charge but a fee may be charged for the making of a copy or an extract.