• Specific Year

GAMING MACHINES ACT 2001 - SECT 136B General conditions of CMS licence


General conditions of CMS licence

136B General conditions of CMS licence

Without limiting the conditions to which a CMS licence may be subject, a CMS licence is subject to the following conditions--
(a) the CMS licensee must manage and operate the authorised CMS in accordance with this Act, the regulations and the CMS licence,
(b) the CMS licensee must not use CMS infrastructure or CMS information otherwise than in accordance with this Act, the regulations or the CMS licence,
(c) the CMS licensee must provide any mandatory ancillary CMS services,
(d) the CMS licensee must not carry out any approved ancillary CMS service otherwise than in accordance with the conditions of the approval,
(e) the CMS licensee must have policies in place to comply with such information protection principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (in relation to business operations to be carried out by the applicant pursuant to the CMS licence) as would apply to the licensee if the licensee were a public sector agency under that Act.