• Specific Year

COMMUNITY LAND DEVELOPMENT ACT 1989 - SECT 50 Notice of resumption


Notice of resumption

50 Notice of resumption

(1) A notice of resumption must state whether or not the land resumed is excluded from any related scheme.
(1A) If action is taken in the Supreme Court to restructure a related scheme as a consequence of a resumption (whether because of a requirement of this Part or otherwise), the notice of resumption must include the plaint number for the action.
(2) Land is excluded from a scheme if a notice of resumption so provides.
(3) Exclusion of a neighbourhood lot or strata lot from a community scheme or precinct scheme excludes the lot from the neighbourhood scheme or strata scheme.
(4) Exclusion of a lot from a neighbourhood scheme or strata scheme excludes the lot from any community scheme or precinct scheme of which the neighbourhood scheme or strata scheme is part.
(5) Exclusion of a precinct development lot from a precinct scheme excludes it from the community scheme of which the precinct scheme is part.