• Specific Year

CONSTITUTION ACT 1902 - SECT 35D Meetings of the Executive Council


Meetings of the Executive Council

35D Meetings of the Executive Council

(1) The Governor shall preside at meetings of the Executive Council.
(2) The Vice-President of the Executive Council or, in the absence of the Vice-President, the senior member present shall preside at any meeting of the Executive Council from which the Governor is absent.
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Council is 2 members.
(3A) A meeting of the Executive Council may be held--
(a) in person, or
(b) by means of a teleconference or video conference.
(3B) The Governor, or Vice-President or senior member if presiding in the absence of the Governor or Vice-President, may preside at a meeting of the Executive Council--
(a) in person, or
(b) by means of a teleconference or video conference.
(4) For the purposes of this section, the seniority of members of the Executive Council shall be determined according to the order of their respective appointments as members of the Executive Council.